Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124


My love for math has naturally extended to my role as a tutor, where I have had the privilege of sharing my enthusiasm with others. Through patient guidance and tailored explanations, I have helped students not only grasp the intricacies of mathematical principles but also develop a genuine interest in the subject. Witnessing the moment when a challenging concept clicks for a student is a source of immense satisfaction for me, motivating me to continually refine my tutoring techniques and contribute to fostering a positive learning environment for all.

I’m a graduate of the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology where I majored in mathematics with minors in computer science and computational science.


I offer tutoring for high school math classes, including the following subjects:

  • Algebra 1
  • Geometry
  • Algebra 2
  • Precalculus
  • AP Calculus AB/BC
  • ACT/SAT Mathematics

How Tutoring Works

All of my sessions are small group based sessions with no more than 5 students per group.Every session lasts one hour.

Typically, the first 5 minutes of each session is a catch up session and small review from the previous session.

The next 50 minutes are dedicated to specific problems requested by each student, with roughly 10 minutes spent on each student’s problem. The 50 minutes are flexible, and can be spent doing whatever is needed by each student.

The last 5 minutes are dedicated to wrapping up the session, addressing any lingering questions, and seeing everyone off.

I offer online tutoring. The benefit of this is that it is much easier for parents and students to accommodate a tutoring session into their schedule. This eliminates the need to drive around to a specific location and wait around for an hour for a session to end. In addition, digital tutoring allows me to save documents, make quick copies, and more easily track progress.

Why Use My Tutoring Service?

Most tutors provide the same cookie cutter tutoring experience, relying on old technology, and antiquated methodologies.

I incorporate the latest technology to enhance the experience of all of my students in the following ways:

Online Tutoring

Online tutoring offers a range of benefits that cater to the diverse needs of modern learners. One of the primary advantages is the convenience it provides; students can schedule sessions at times that suit their busy lives, eliminating the need for commuting and allowing for a more flexible learning environment.

Additionally, online tutoring connects students with a vast pool of expert tutors from around the globe, ensuring access to specialized knowledge and teaching styles that best match their learning preferences. The digital format often incorporates interactive tools and resources, such as virtual whiteboards and instant feedback mechanisms, which enhance the learning experience and promote greater engagement.

Furthermore, the personalized attention in one-on-one sessions can address individual academic challenges effectively, boosting confidence and improving performance. This tailored approach, combined with the ease of access and variety of resources, makes online tutoring a powerful tool for academic success.

Small Group Tutoring

Small group tutoring offers the perfect balance between personalized attention and collaborative learning. With a maximum of five students per group, my sessions provide an intimate learning environment where each child receives individual support. This setting allows students to benefit from the collective knowledge and diverse perspectives of their peers, fostering a sense of community and encouraging interactive problem-solving.

Additionally, small group dynamics can boost your child’s motivation and confidence as they see others grappling with similar challenges and overcoming them together. This approach not only enhances understanding and retention of mathematical concepts but also builds essential social and communication skills.

Give your child the advantage of small group tutoring and watch them thrive both academically and personally.

Modern Technology

Dedicated Discord servers for each subject provide an innovative and supportive extension of the learning experience. These chat servers offer a platform where students can engage with their peers and myself outside of scheduled sessions, fostering a continuous learning environment. Students can ask questions, share resources, and collaborate on homework and projects, all within a safe and monitored space. This real-time interaction ensures that help is always available, reducing frustration and encouraging a proactive approach to learning.

Additionally, the use of modern technology appeals to students’ familiarity with digital communication, making learning more engaging and accessible. By integrating Discord into my tutoring program, I’m creating a community of learners who support each other, enhancing both academic success and social connections.

Pricing and Cancellation Policy

The rates are $50/hr across all subjects. All sessions last 1 hour.

Any session cancelled more than 24 hours in advance gets a full refund.

Any session cancelled more than one hour in advance, but less than 24 hours in advance gets a 50% refund.

No refunds are offered for any session cancelled an hour or less in advance.


I offer sessions during specific times of the week so groups of students can coordinate with each other.


No Sessions


No Sessions


No Sessions


No Sessions


ACT/SAT Mathematics7PM
Algebra 18PM


ACT/SAT Mathematics7PM
Algebra 28PM


ACT/SAT Mathematics7PM
AP Calculus AB8PM
AP Calculus BC9PM


I’ve tutored many students over the past 10 years. Here’s what some of them have to say.

He is an excellent
teacher. 5 stars!

Dior Bootahsaz

Jacob has been the icing on
the cake throughout my first
C++ course. I struggled
significantly throughout this
semester before I met Jacob.
He is honestly a genius and
deserves his flowers. He’s
been patient, knowledgeable,
and has truly helped me
throughout this process.

Denonte McKinney

As amazing as always! Clearly
and concisely worked through
problems with me that I would
have never understood
otherwise. A genuine

Katie Doberstein

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me with any questions, or to schedule sessions.