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Proof Technique: Exhaustion

All of the proof techniques discussed thus far work on sets that have infinitely many elements. For example, we’ve talked about theorems that apply to all even numbers, not merely some of them. For example, for all even numbers, adding one yields an odd number. As another example, no matter which two even numbers are added together, the sum is always another even number.

We’ve even talked about theorems that apply to all sets in general, not merely some of them. These include the set operations and the set equalities.

It’s not hard to see why methods that apply to sets of infinitely many objects are powerful. On the other hand, there may be times where there only a finite number of objects we are interested in examining. Here, we discuss a method for proving theorems dealing with only a finite number of elements.

A Contrived Example

Admittedly, dealing with only a finite number of elements seems hardly useful, as we mostly want results that apply generally, and not specifically. Here, we provide a contrived example simply to demonstrate the technique.

Example 3.6.1

Suppose we wanted to prove that the integers in the set

E = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20}

could all be expressed as a sum of no more than three perfect squares. We could do this by simply tabulating the results.

2=1 + 1=12 + 12
6=1 + 1 + 4=12 + 12 + 22
8=4 + 4=22 + 22
10=1 + 9=12 + 32
12=4 + 4 + 4=22 + 22 + 22
14=1 + 4 + 9=12 + 22 + 32
18=9 + 9=32 + 32
20=4 + 16=22 + 42

As such, we have “proved” the desired fact.

Notice that we did not say the numbers in E could be written as a unique sum. There may be more than one way to write some of the numbers as a sum of perfect squares, like in the following example:

18 = 1 + 1 + 16 = 12 + 12 + 42

We could perhaps call the result derived in Example 3.6.1 a theorem since we did provide a proof for the fact, but we prefer to reserve the term theorem for “major” results. The result in Example 3.6.1 was merely an exercise.

The Method of Exhaustion

Based on Example 3.6.1, we can see why the method presented in this section is called the Method of Exhaustion: it is because we exhaustively check every single element in the desired set for a desired property. Note that while the term exhaustion is used to describe the thoroughness of checking every element, it does not necessarily refer to the feeling one may get whilst performing the checking, though it should be said for rather large sets, this method can be tiresome.

Let’s lay out the argument in logical fashion, same as we’ve done before. The reason this method works is because we verify that every element in the desired set has some desired property.

Suppose set A is a finite subset consisting of the n elements

A = {a1, a2, a3, …, an}

taken from some universal set 𝒰. Furthermore, suppose p is an open statement defined on 𝒰. The Method of Exhaustion is simply an argument of the form

∀x ∈ A [p(x)]

That’s all there really is to it.

Computer-Assisted Proofs and the Four Color Theorem

Just because a set is finite does not mean it is feasible to hand-check every single element within it. Sometimes, tasks can be automated by writing computer programs to check thousands or even millions of elements in a timely fashion.

Figure 3.6.1: The Four Color Theorem states that any planar (basically meaning flat) map only needs at most four different colors so that no adjacent elements on the map share the same color. This image of a colored map of the United States comes from the Wikipedia article on the Four Color Theorem, which can be found here.

While the example represented here was rather contrived, one major result proved using the Method of Exhaustion was the Four Color Theorem. For centuries cartographers have been making maps of various places around the world, and one way to draw maps is to color regions so they are easily distinguishable. However, it is typically expected that adjacent regions on a map are colored differently, helping them stand out visually.

It was shown at some point in the late 1800s that no more than five colors were needed for any map so no adjacent regions shared a color, but it was suspected that no more than four colors were needed as well. Though many mathematicians attempted to prove that no more than four colors were needed, many efforts proved fruitless.

Progress marched forward in the 1960s with the advent of computing technology. Two mathematicians Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken further developed results derived from Heinrich Heesch to complete a proof. Essentially, one major step in the proof was showing that all maps could be “reduced” to a small number of essential configurations (basically, all maps are basically distortions of some simpler underlying map that represent the same types of regions.) Appel and Haken found that there were only 1834 configurations.

Once Appel and Haken found these configurations, it was simply a matter of checking each and every single one (using the Method of Exhaustion.)

This proof was the first major proof to be verified by computer. As such, it was a controversial result: not all mathematicians readily accepted the proof because it was hard and time-consuming for a human to check.

Nevertheless, the proof has mostly withstood scrutiny, with a minor error being corrected by Appel and Haken sometime in the late 1980s.

This Wikipedia article offers a more complete look at the history of the theorem, as well as additional resources one can look into for more information.

The point is while the Method of Exhaustion may seem overly simple and contrived, being restricted to only finite sets instead of infinite sets, it is still a valid proof technique that can come in handy.