Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
In this style guide, I’ll describe the format used in organizing content within my “books”, which should help anyone reading my notes to decipher them to the best of their ability. For example, each page will start off with a header section that’s underlined as you see above. Typically in the space immediately below the initial page header will be some introductory text attempting to explain the need for the topic.
In this column, side content such as images, definitions, links to other interesting material, etc. can be inserted.
Figure x.y.z: Captions for the above side content can offer more explanation about the topic being discussed.
Immediately after a new section is introduced, there will usually be text to start explaining the main topic for the page.
A two-column format is used. The right column is used for the main text, as well as any examples, definitions, theorems, and any large images or other media.
Here, some example problem is presented along with a solution. They give me a chance to explain any nuanced details about a topic.
In these boxes, a definition is presented where the word being defined is in bold blue font, with their meaning written in normal text.
This box can contain some important information that doesn’t fit any other template.
In this portion of a theorem box, the actual statement is given. If the theorem is well-known, a name be given to give it extra emphasis.
In this portion of the block, a proof of the theorem is given, though this may be omitted on occasion, mainly due to reasons for needing more theoretical knowledge presented in other books.
Here, a code segment in the language stated in the header of this box is presented to solve a problem described by the short description which is also given in the header of this box.