Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Jake Hiance

Jake Hiance

License Plates and Graph Colorings

I actually never took a graph theory course while I was in college, but seeing as it’s an extremely pervasive topic in discrete math (and math in general), I wanted to learn more. I worked through chapter 11 of Ralph…

Queen Polynomials

Given that rooks capture along rows and columns, and given that bishops attack along diagonals, it only seems natural that non-taking queen placements on a board are somehow related to non-taking rook and bishop placements on the same board. We’ve…

Introducing Bishop Polynomials

A “Quick” 3-by-3 Example Just as we can count the number of ways to place some number of non-attacking rooks on a board, we can count the number of ways to place non-attacking bishops on a board. Bishops are perhaps…

What Are Rook Polynomials?

Some Motivating Examples Before introducing what Rook Polynomials actually are, I want to motivate their existence by discussing some example problems. Example 1: How many ways are there to assign band positions? Let’s say that there are 6 people wanting…